It's Time - Christ Our Rest
Come – Jesus’s favourite word
Come to me – an invitation to a personal relationship
I will give you – a definite and trustworthy promise
Rest –a spiritual blessing and a rich biblical word – Psalm 62, Isaiah 9:4, Revelation 14:12. A similar gift is Christ’s peace – John 14:25-27
Who is invited? “All who are weary and burdened”. All welcome
What burdens did Jeus lift in his earthly ministry? Guilt and shame; fear; despair; false religion - Jesus replied, “And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them. Luke 11:46.; a sense of worthlessness; demonic oppression. Jesus brought release, deliverance, freedom, hope and joy.