Ladies' Group
Welcome to our Ladies' Group page.
We normally meet on the second Thursday of each month at 8pm in the Church hall.
The Ladies' Group is open to ALL women, young and not so young, who want to escape from normal everyday life for an hour or so each month to meet with friends to enjoy some well-needed rest and relaxation, Christian fellowship and Bible teaching.
We are part of Presbyterian Women, an organisation for women within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland - follow Presbyterian Women on Facebook.
The Ladies’ Group plays a vital role in coordinating "get together" events for our whole church family and gives prayerful, practical and financial support to the wider mission of PCI.
The theme for 2024/25 is 'Entrusted'.
Last year we were on a road of self-discovery as we studied and meditated on the Biblical instruction ‘not to conform… to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds’ Romans 12:2.
Focusing on this theme gave us the opportunity to reflect on our own personal journey with God and how He uses the turning points in our lives as an opportunity for transformation, and how, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can grow and mature and live out His good, pleasing and perfect will for us.
Our theme for this year is 'Entrusted' and is based on the key verse from Luke 12:48,
'...from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked'
Through God’s transforming power He enables us to serve Him, and when we are open and willing to follow His will in our lives, He will entrust us with His Word so that we can go and tell all the people. Be encouraged to know who you are in Christ and that He has entrusted us with the greatest gift, the gospel.