PCI Logo for Donacloney

What do we do?

We worship

As a church, we worship God. His call to us is to offer our bodies as living sacrifices. This includes our head (knowing Him), our heart (loving Him) and our hands (serving Him). So:

  • we worship God as we come to know Him through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ;
  • we worship God as we love Him and love our neighbour as ourselves;
  • we worship God as we serve Him in all that we do – both in our weekly work and our Sabbath rest.

We engage in worship together especially on the Lord’s Day when we have two times of meeting here. At each, we express our praise of God through psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, and prayer. We also intercede in prayer as we seek God’s grace for the needs of one another and for others beyond ourselves. We encourage one another in the faith, not just by our presence together, but by the preaching of God’s Word. The reading and the preaching of the Word are central to our times together on Sundays. Its message of God’s grace in Jesus Christ is signified and sealed through the sacraments of baptism and of bread and wine. Baptism is administered as required, and we meet around the table for the communion of the Lord’s Supper three times a year.

We gather and foster

Mission and discipleship are at the core of our activities week by week and year by year.

We seek to enable global mission by strategic giving, and prayerful interest. We support Asia Link, the Belfast City Mission, the Faith Mission, Good News for Everyone (formerly Gideons UK), the London City Mission, Messianic Testimony, Mission Africa, New Tribes Mission, the Revival Movement Association, the Seafarers' Christian Friend Society, the Slavic Gospel Association, and Wycliffe Bible Translators as well as the mission in Ireland and Overseas of our own denomination.

We seek to equip ourselves and one another with the resources we need to witness to Christ. This is woven into our times together on Sundays and in our midweek Tuesday Fellowship.

We seek to engage with the community. Sometimes this through church initiatives – such as our Summer Outreach Week or Harvest Thanksgiving Festival - but mostly it’s simply through the people, who are the church, living out their faith.

We seek to continue evangelical ministry. We have a range of organisations that teach Christian truths to lead people to Christ and then on with Him in discipleship. These are:

  • Sunday School & Bible Class
  • Boys’ Brigade
  • Girls’ Brigade
  • Ladies’ Group
  • Youth Fellowship

We serve and share

The Lord Jesus came as Prophet, Priest and King. These offices give to us an understanding of the three-fold ministry for which human beings originally were created, which was marred by the Fall, and which is renewed through redemption in Christ. The three-fold ministry is:

  • the ministry of the Word, where we bring God’s Word to one another;
  • the ministry of care, where we show our love for one another
  • the ministry of order, where we relate to one another with righteousness and justice.

We stress every member, every minute ministry. Everything we do is to be done as unto the Lord, both when the church is gathered and when we are scattered in our daily callings. All of life in Christ is ministry.


We gather together to express our praise of God, to encourage our partners in the faith

and to exercise our priesthood in prayer

Contact Us

Donacloney Presbyterian Church

56 Moygannon Road Donaghcloney BT66 7PN

Minister - Rev R A Moffett Tel. 028 38820548

Clerk of Session - Ian Williams Tel. 028 38882520

Website by BeeTee

Copyright © 2025 Donacloney Presbyterian Church
Registered Charity in Northern Ireland (NIC105113)
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