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Tuesday Fellowship

Our Tuesday Fellowship, or "Midweek" as it is sometimes called, is held on Tuesday evenings at 8.00pm from September to May.

Our Minister usually conducts the meetings on three Tuesdays of the month, when he invites folk to follow the Bible reading for that evening. Notes are then provided and the Bible passage is explained. After this there may be a time of discussion, followed by a time of prayer for the needs of the congregation, the local community or even the wider world.

On the first Tuesday of most months, there is an opportunity to listen to and appreciate the work of particular missionary societies through their representatives, e.g. EMF, WGM, Asia Link, CEF and Mission Africa. These societies are supported financially by the Tuesday Fellowship.

Outside of our Sunday services, the Tuesday Fellowship is a vital part of Christian learning and growing as we meet together to be taught from God's word.

Study notes from topics discussed at previous meetings are available here.


Coming Up...

Tuesday Fellowship continues on Tuesday evenings at 8.00pm in the Magill Room. From January we will be following the theme of prayer and looking at questions and answers in the Shorter Catechism that concern prayer.

Join us each week as we meet around God's Word and in prayer.




We gather together to express our praise of God, to encourage our partners in the faith

and to exercise our priesthood in prayer

Contact Us

Donacloney Presbyterian Church

56 Moygannon Road Donaghcloney BT66 7PN

Minister - Rev R A Moffett Tel. 028 38820548

Clerk of Session - Ian Williams Tel. 028 38882520

Website by BeeTee

Copyright © 2025 Donacloney Presbyterian Church
Registered Charity in Northern Ireland (NIC105113)
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