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Visiting Us

visitorWe welcome you to join with us at a Sunday service. Here are some questions you might be asking if you are wondering what to expect:

What time should I arrive?

The morning service begins at 11.30am and evening services begin at 6.30pm. Most people arrive about 10 minutes before, but you're more than welcome to arrive earlier. For special services and larger gatherings such as funerals, you might also want to arrive a bit earlier. If you are running late that is no problem, please come on in.

Where can I park?

There is a large car park across the road from the church building. If you need to park closer, there is also some space inside the gates around the church building.

Where do I sit?

You can sit wherever you like, whether downstairs or upstairs. Some people like to sit in the same place every week, but that does not mean that we have reserved seating. During busy services, those welcoming you at the entrance door on the way in can help you find an empty seat.

What happens during a church service?

Welcome & Call to Worship - The minister or speaker welcomes the congregation and shares a Bible verse or an opening thought to introduce the main theme of the service.

Announcements - These highlight the week ahead in our organisations as well as upcoming events in the congreagtion and wider church.

Prayers - There are several prayers throughout the service, during which the congregation will bow their heads and close their eyes as the minister or speaker says prayers.

Congregational Singing -  At several points in the service, the congregation will sing worship songs. The words for each song are on the screens. We sing modern worship songs, traditional hymns and metrical Psalms. Our singing is accompanied by piano, guitar, organ and sometimes drums. We usually stand after the music starts and sit again when the music ends.

Bible Readings - If you have a Bible at home or on your phone that’s great, bring it with you and follow along. If not, we also put the words up on the screens. We normally use the New International Version (NIV) translation. The main Bible passage each week is often listed in the box to the right of our website's home page, so you can read it in advance if you want to.

Sermon - The minister or speaker preaches the Bible message from the pulpit. It is based on one of the Bible passages read during the service and typically lasts around half an hour. There are usually images or key points up on the screens to help you follow along.

Benediction - After the sermon, we sing one final song and then remain standing for the closing prayer (known as the benediction). As a church family, we say the words aloud to each other; the words are on the screens.

What should I wear?

You’ll be welcome no matter what you choose to wear and what is comfortable for you. On a normal Sunday some people like to be casual whereas some people do like to wear their 'Sunday best'.

Do I have to give money?

There is a collection box at the entrance doors allowing people at their ease to give financial offerings - you are welcome to do this if you are able and want to, but there is no pressure to do so. On special occasions however, we may collect donations at a point during the service by passing around collection plates - again though, if you are unable or do not want to give that is ok, just let the collection plate pass you by. You may see some people giving in money in envelopes - this is so we can record donations and claim gift aid on donations by taxpayers.

What about children?

Children and babies are always welcome!  If at any time during the service you need to slip out with a younger child or baby, you can use the rooms at the rear of the church building. You can go through the doors either side of the pulpit at the front, or else go back out through the entrance door and walk around the building to the rear side door.

Our morning service includes a children’s address with a Bible message prepared specifically for younger listeners; the minister or speaker may invite children to come up to the front together to show them something up close. This is followed by a children’s song. At this point during the morning service, children can go to the rear part of the church building for Sunday School.

Where are the toilets?

There are toilets in the rear part of the church building. You can go through the doors either side of the pulpit at the front or else go back out through the entrance door and walk around the building to the rear side door.

How long does a service last? Is there anything afterwards?

Our normal Sunday services last for about 1 - 1¼ hours. On special occasions we sometimes also have refreshments after the service, either served from the rear part of the church building or down in the church hall.


We gather together to express our praise of God, to encourage our partners in the faith

and to exercise our priesthood in prayer

Contact Us

Donacloney Presbyterian Church

56 Moygannon Road Donaghcloney BT66 7PN

Minister - Rev R A Moffett Tel. 028 38820548

Clerk of Session - Ian Williams Tel. 028 38882520

Website by BeeTee

Copyright © 2025 Donacloney Presbyterian Church
Registered Charity in Northern Ireland (NIC105113)
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