PCI Logo for Donacloney

Coming Up...

Youth Fellowship has now finished for the year and will start again in the autumn.

In the meantime don't forget the Summer Youth Evenings during July!


Sat 24th Feb Assembly Buildings, Belfast 2.45pm Follow - Session 5: Understanding Culture
Sun 25th Feb Hagan Room 7.45pm Bite-size: BIBLE 4: Why does the Bible matter? (Sufficiency)
Sat 2nd Mar Church of Ireland hall 7.30pm Donacloney Youth
Sun 10th Mar Hagan Room 7.00pm Bite-size: BIBLE 5: Who is the Bible about? (Incarnation)
Sun 17th Mar Hagan Room 7.00pm Bite-size: BIBLE 5: Who is the Bible about? (Incarnation)
Sun 24th Mar Hagan Room 7.00pm Bite-size: BIBLE conclusion
Sun 31st Mar // //                           EASTER                                                                                                                                                                      
Sat 6th Apr Church of Ireland hall 7.30pm Donacloney Youth
Sun 14th Apr Hagan Room 7.00pm What is Baptism?
Sun 21st Apr Hagan Room 7.00pm What is Baptism?
Sat 27th Apr leave church car park at 9.30am Outing - Go-karting & Warrenpoint
Sat 4th May Church of Ireland hall 7.30pm Donacloney Youth
Sun 12th May Hagan Room 7.00pm Prayer Night
Sun 19th May Hagan Room 7.00pm Film night
Sun 26th May Hagan Room 7.45pm Film night
Sat 1st Jun Church of Ireland hall 7.30pm Donacloney Youth
Sun 9th Jun Hagan Room 7.00pm Prayer Night
Fri 14th Jun Church Hall 7.00pm Ladies' Group Treasure Hunt and Barbecue
Sat 22nd Jun Church of Ireland hall 6.00pm Donacloney Youth - Outing

This year’s consent form is to be completed online.
Young people should not come to Youth Fellowship in person or online without their consent form being submitted.

If meeting online, the Zoom meeting ID and password will be sent to the email address provided on the consent form. PCI’s video conferencing guidelines will be followed and young people should not record the meeting video or audio. 



We gather together to express our praise of God, to encourage our partners in the faith

and to exercise our priesthood in prayer

Contact Us

Donacloney Presbyterian Church

56 Moygannon Road Donaghcloney BT66 7PN

Minister - Rev R A Moffett Tel. 028 38820548

Clerk of Session - Ian Williams Tel. 028 38882520

Website by BeeTee

Copyright © 2024 Donacloney Presbyterian Church
Registered Charity in Northern Ireland (NIC105113)
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