Summer Outreach Week 2022
Sunday 24th July - Sunday 31st July
We're looking forward to our Summer Outreach Week taking place from Sunday 24th July to Sunday 28th July.
Sun 24th, 11.30
A Family Service in the Church Hall at 11.30am will launch the Summer Outreach Week.
Mon 25th - Fri 29th, 10.00-12.30
- "Amazing Animals" Summer Bible Club
- For boys and girls of primary school age
- Bible Stories, Quizzes, Songs, Crafts, Sports, Snacks & more!
- 10.00am-12.30pm each day in the Church Hall
Mon 25th - Fri 29th, 7.00
- Youth evenings for young people of secondary school age
- Team Games, Treasure Hunt, TikTok Challenge, Footgolf, Beach Party with Bible message each evening
- meeting each night at 7.00pm
Sun 31st Jul, 11.30
At 11.30am in our Church Hall we shall have a Family Service to round off the week - all are invited!