Harvest Thanksgiving Services 2023
Come, Join In Our Services of Thanksgiving!
Sunday 8th October at 11.30am
Rev R A Moffett
Sunday 8th October at 6.30pm
Rev Jamie Maguire
Special Harvest Offering to Renovation and Building Fund
Our faithful, unchangeable God provides seedtime and harvest to the earth. We have noticed changing prices and disruption to global supply chains, but we still have cause to be grateful for all that we have, and to return our thanks to the One who gives in grace.
During October we will also be able to share with others by collecting non-perishable foodstuffs for foodbank donation - these can be left in the vestibule on Sundays.
Week of Prayer
As we look ahead to the autumn term restart of the different ministries associated with our congregation, we remember what the Bible says:
Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain Psalm 127:1
Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord Almighty Zechariah 4:6
apart from Me, you can do nothing John 15:5
We therefore need to pray for the Lord's help and blessing on all our work.
A special series of meetings for prayer is planned for Tue 29th Aug - Fri 1st Sep. These meetings will be held in the Magill Room at 8.00pm each evening.
Each evening we shall be focusing on particular organisations or aspects of our church life.
Also, please remember the times of prayer before our morning and evening services on Sundays. If you are able, come and join in the prayer meetings as we look to the Lord for His blessing.
Summer Outreach Week 2023
Sunday 23rd - Sunday 30th July
We're looking forward to our Summer Outreach Week taking place from Sunday 23rd July to Sunday 30th July.
Sun 23rd Jul, 11.30
A Family Service in the Church Hall at 11.30am will launch the Summer Outreach Week.
Mon 24th - Fri 28th Jul, 10.00-12.30
- "Down by the Sea" Summer Bible Club
- For boys and girls of primary school age
- Bible Stories, Quizzes, Songs, Crafts, Sports, Snacks & more!
- 10.00am-12.30pm each day in the Church Hall
Mon 24th - Fri 28th Jul, 7.00
- Youth evenings for young people of secondary school age
- Games Night, Treasure Hunt, Bouncy castle, Footgolf, Park Challenge with Bible message each evening
- meeting each night at 7.00pm
Sun 30th Jul, 11.30
At 11.30am in our Church Hall we shall have a Family Service to round off the week - all are invited!