PCI Logo for Donacloney

Outside In 2

Online ministry Sunday 13th September

What takes place when someone decides to become a follower of Jesus? Acts 13:4-12 focuses on one encounter to show what is involved.

Listen to or sing along with our worship song playlist to accompany this week's Bible message.


Outside In 1

Online ministry Sunday 6th September

Acts 12:25-13:3 shows how God makes His Church an instrument for His service. What does this mean for those who are part of His Church today?


Sunday's Coming!

Donacloney Presbyterian Church plans to meet again on Sunday mornings from 6th September. It's going to be different; here's how.

Everything has changed, but nothing has changed. Still, Jesus Christ is Lord. 

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Easing of Lockdown

Churches in Northern Ireland are permitted to use their meetinghouses again from Monday 29th June.  Donacloney Presbyterian’s oversight team (the Kirk Session) has decided to aim to recommence morning services on Sunday 6th September (earlier if possible, later if need be) and not to resume evening services until further notice.

Under the current guidance, a number of things need to be set in place in the meetinghouse before services recommence.  The Congregational Committee will address these over the next number of weeks.

Looking forward to it?  Sam Alberry is a pastor and a global speaker for Ravi Zaharias International Ministries as well as the author of several books including “Why bother with church?” - read his article, “Why I can’t wait”.

Everything has changed, but nothing has changed. Still, Jesus Christ is Lord.


A New Start #5

Online sermon Sunday 30th August

What does true faith in God look like in the life of a Christian? Here's another look at 1 Samuel 17, with a focus of David's faith.


We gather together to express our praise of God, to encourage our partners in the faith

and to exercise our priesthood in prayer

Contact Us

Donacloney Presbyterian Church

56 Moygannon Road Donaghcloney BT66 7PN

Minister - Rev R A Moffett Tel. 028 38820548

Clerk of Session - Ian Williams Tel. 028 38882520

Website by BeeTee

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Registered Charity in Northern Ireland (NIC105113)
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